Zonar V4 Report Proposal (Draft 1)


1.1 About Zonar V4

Zonar V4 is the latest Telematics Control Unit (TCU) under review that is being used by fleeting
companies mainly in America and Canada. It is released so that fleet managers can monitor and
track fleets of vehicles using mass transit. It optimizes “decision-making” capabilities. The main
function is for fleet managers to track vehicles’ location with high accuracy using GPS and BeiDou

One of the unique features is “Intelligent Logging Algorithm”, which records vehicle activities. It
records activities such as turns, idles, speed and the use of any other accessories in the fleet vehicle.
Zonar V4 has interconnectivity with other systems such as the Transportation Management System
(TMS), thus improving services.  Drivers can trust that the data collected by Zonar’s V4 will be sent
over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to data centres through compression, encryption and
transmission. Nationwide coverage is provided through the built-in 4G radios. Data collected in the
last six months will be backed up if drivers are within an area with restricted cellular coverage. By
using Zonar Ground Traffic Control software, it optimizes the driver’s performance by overseeing
fleet operations.

Despite the huge amount of data obtained from vehicles, Zonar Systems fails to create a product that
have full integrated safety system that ensures the safety of fleet drivers.

1.2 Safety

According to “Driver Knowledge” (n.d.), the average number of vehicle accidents in the U.S. every
year is six million. Five million of them suffers injury of which a main portion of them experienced
permanent injuries. Sixty-six percent of the overall accidents are due to speeding and reckless driving.
According to “Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics” (2018, 13 April), the collision rate
in 2016 is estimated at about 117,000 in Figure 1 Annex A. Forty-seven percent of them involves
drivers that suffers fatalities and serious injuries. From the website, it states that cell phone use impairs
driving performance and significantly increases risk of traffic accidents.

Hence, safety is utmost important in ensuring smooth day to day operations. Fleet managers have a
vital role to manage the safety of fleet drivers. This can be done with the aid of real-time safety
notification, driving feedbacks and review of driver’s progress.

1.2.1 Real-Time Safety Notification
Based on the statistics shown in 1.1 Safety, fleet managers need to give drivers an idea on the
immediate actions to be taken if an accident were to take place to guide them to safety. Some cases
shows that fleet managers are lacking in their communication as well. According to
“Verizon Connect” (2018), a flaw in today’s fleet management system is the inability to attend to
minor problems quickly, which can become a huge problem for long term, thus causing a serious

1.2.2 Driving Feedbacks
From the statistic shown in 1.1 Safety, fleeting companies have the responsibility in ensuring and
enforcing fleet driver’s safety on roads. Although daily pre-operation safety briefings are held by
most companies, it is even more viable to have constant verbal reminders issued to the drivers
throughout the operation as an addition.

1.2.3 Review of Driver’s Progress
According to Louise (2017), a key performance indicator (KPI), is a measurable value that can be used
to determine how well a company is achieving their goals. Fleet managers need to collate data ,
generate safety KPI report and deep analysation must be made to give accurate solutions for the
drivers to improve on their safety conduct while operating. Generating a KPI report manually would
be time consuming and inefficient thus an auto-generated KPI report would be ideal to help fleet
managers in monitoring fleet driver’s behaviour on roads.

 Problem Statement

The ideal telematics fleet management control unit should have complete and up-to-date safety
features such as safety notifications, in-vehicle coaching and safety performance report.

Zonar V4 provides location and vehicular data from land vehicles but Zonar Systems does not
leverage this information fully to maximise the product performance in terms of safety features.

Zonar Systems needs to provide safety notifications for various situations so that fleet managers
can respond immediately and enforcing safety measure for fleet drivers at all times as well as giving
timely review on fleet driver’s safety performance.

Purpose Statement

This report will explain how Zonar Systems could fully leverage on the information obtained to
create a integrated safety system alongside the features that have already existed.

Proposed Adaptation

The features that Zonar Systems should implement are namely, accident detection and Notification,
in-vehicle Driving Coaching and easy-to-use dashboards.

4.1 Accident Detection and Notification
One important enhancement Accident Detection and Notification adapted from Geotab GO 8 should
be implemented in Zonar V4. According to Geotab (2018), Accident Detection and Notification
provides alerts of accidents and forensic data of fleeting vehicles will be generated for further
investigation.  It improves the overall safety of the driver with non-delay actions. Zonar V4 do not have the
feature of notifying the driver of road hazards or the vehicle's’ condition and safety precautions to note.

4.2 In-Vehicle Driving Coaching
Secondly, the feature that Zonar Systems should implement is in-vehicle driving coaching which is
the feature adopted by Geotab. According to Geotab (2018), this feature gives real time verbal
feedback with coaching notifications about excessive hours, long car idling time and aggressive
acceleration etc. This feature not only helps in improving driver’s driving skills but it also manages
safe driving policies. Driving coaching also decreases the risk of an accident happening by the constant
reminders of the notifications. Taking in considerations of in-vehicle telematic devices distraction,
the notifications are only of verbal cues instead of visual cues that could possibly impairs driving
performance .

4.3 Easy-to-use Dashboards
Lastly, Zonar Systems should implement the easy-to-use dashboards taken from Verizon Connect.
According to Verizon Connect (n.d), this feature allows fleet managers to review the vehicle's progress
so as to achieve and maintain Key Performance Indicator (KPI) as well as budget with real-time fleet
analytics. This feature allows fleet managers to see necessary data and set KPIs more efficiently.
According to Allen (2017), safety KPIs can be used for driver coaching and the data in the report are
essential to improve driver’s behaviour.

5. Benefits

5.1 Zonar Systems

5.1.1 Technological Advancement
Zonar Systems must be updated with the current trends and technology advancement of their products
to remain competitive in the fleeting system market. This would create a healthy competitive
atmosphere amongst all fleeting system providers to keep achieving better standards and more
technological advancements.

5.1.2 Higher Recognition
Zonar Systems will gain more recognition as the as the value of their products increases with the new
enhancements and publication. Hence, it will also gain a better competitive advantage to help build a
stronger brand awareness and forge important connections with other big companies.

5.1.3 Customer Relations
Zonar Systems will also improve customer relations as it offers better service and up-to-date
technology to their customers. Zonar also helps their customers in maintaining good safety practice
and procedures. In return, this will boost goodwill with their customers.

5.2 Fleet Managers

5.2.1 Increase Safety
By enabling the feature of in-vehicle driving coaching, drivers are able to be more attentive on roads
at all time. This will fortify safety awareness amongst the fleet drivers and traffic accidents due to
recklessness can be avoided.

5.2.2 Swift Decision Making
Fleet managers are able to give immediate response to drivers in a particular area or just an individual
driver. This is to prevent possible crashes and accidents if the fleet manager is able to notify drivers
on time. In any case of accidents happening, fleet managers are able to assist fleet driver to take
necessary steps to avoid exacerbating the situation.

5.2.3 Cost Mitigation
This will lower the risk cost as the probability of accident occurs have been reduced greatly. Since
the probability of accidents is reduced, insurance cost will be maintained at a low cost. This will
lead to a more predictable outcome of financial status.

6. Evaluation
Firstly, one possible disadvantage of the proposed Zonar V4 enhancements would be the cost incurred
by Zonar V4 to implement the proposed solution. Research and software developments are needed to
actualize the proposed solutions. However, Zonar Systems has its own programmers and research
teams for the development of their product. Hence, the cost incurred will be at minimal and the cost
of the product might have a slight increment.

Secondly, increase in M2M communication leads to more packets of data being sent through the
devices, hence this will increase the data usage of the product. This might affect the recurring cost
of the subscribed data package. Fleet managers might have to bear additional cost for more data usage
incurred. However, the cost will only have a slight change as the data use for notifications are very

Lastly, fleet drivers would probably feel that they are less reliable due to the constant monitoring and
this might be viewed negatively. Fleet drivers might think that fleet managers do not fully trust them
to execute their job responsibly. However, in the positive light, these safety enhancements will ensure
drivers to come back home to their families safe and sound.

7. Methodology
We have conducted a research which can be used as reference to obtain necessary information useful
for our enhancement project proposal.

7.1 Research
To support our proposal, the team has conducted an online survey to a group of respondents from
various professions such as students and working professionals. Social media such as Whatsapp and
Facebook messenger were used as a platform for disseminating the online survey link to the team’s

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, Zonar System’s implementation on our proposed solution would have a great impact
to the fleet management on safety. With these enhancements, it can help save lives and ensure good
safety conduct.


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